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Starter Info

If you're interested in a place for your child at WCF Nursery, why not pop in for a visit to meet the staff and have a look around the setting. If you've already done that and want your child to sign up, then please complete these starter forms and return them to the nursery as soon as possible. These forms provide us with important information about your child and help to give us an insight into your childs interests, characterisitcs and preferences. These forms must be completed before your child takes up a place at the nursery.


If you're confused or need support with applying for a nursery place, feel free to have a look at the documents below. They give you advice and information about what you're entitled to and how to go about applying for a nursery place for your child.


Free early learning for 3 and 4 year olds

Free Early Education link

Click below for more information about the 30 hour funding and if you can get support with childcare costs. 


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Wavertree Christian Fellowship Nursery & Pre-School
Earlsfield Road 
L15 5BZ

Tel- 0151 733 1436

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